Saturday, October 27, 2018

Through These Walls

I can hear you're silent
Through these thick walls
I can sense you're silent.

I stand in here listening
In these four corners
I keep myself listening.

As I stay on hold
I can sense my urge
As we continue I on hold.

But you keep into silent
Makes me want to come
To breaks that silent.

Through these thick walls
I know you can sense me
Still we can't reach these walls.

Blocks our chance to meet
Where only silent embraces
The only medium separate us to meet.


Saturday, October 20, 2018

Words in Silent

So much to express
Words hidden deep,
Wanted to impress
Still couldn't leap.

Words couldn't press
Hide not to seek,
Put it into depress
Hardly to leak.

Whip through pain
Still no words to spill,
Sting that slain
But keeps quiet still.

Saturday, October 13, 2018


Say 'thank you',
Isn't it easy?
Say 'its fine',
Even the truth hid.

Say 'I want you',
Isn't it easy?
Say 'live me',
Even the truth hid.

Say 'I like you',
Isn't it easy?
Say 'I hate you',
Even the truth hid.

Say 'I'm sorry',
Isn't is easy,
Say 'f@ck up',
Even the truth hid.

Say 'easy',
Isn't the truth?
Say 'hard',
Even truth hid deep.


Sunday, October 07, 2018

Just... Empty

"There's only empty.
Filled in into space of nothingness.
Just nothing to think, nothing to create,
Nothing at all.
That cause a huge chaos.
Explodes everything in one emptiness."

~~~ ~~~ ~~~


Poetry of Dreams

To Our Beloved

  You came so little, Yet you became a big part of us. With your every little steps, You brought us the largest footprints to our hearts. Yo...