Saturday, April 08, 2017

I'm Sorry! I Was Too Late!

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They were friends since they were a child.
As their parents too were friends since then.
They live in the same place.
They study in the same school.
That made their bond getting stronger and tougher.

As time, days, months and years go by.
Their friendship passes through many problems.
That they both successfully solve.
And their bond became more and more strong and tougher.
Like no one can able to break the bond that they have for each other.

But just like a normal ones.
There are things that can be change.
Like feelings that may ruin a friendship.
But he couldn’t deny the truth nor ignores it or forget it.
And that’s what he really truly feels.

A friendship that turns into love!
A love not just a friend!
A love that goes further deeply into his heart and soul!
A love as a man for a woman!
And that’s what he feels for her!

He knew from the very beginning if he reveals what he truly feels.
It would just ruin their friendship.
And it would be hard for them to bring back what they already have.
Still he manages to tell what he truly feels.
Even though he may faces the consequences after that.

She as what she thought.
Their friendship would never end.
That no one can break the bond that they’ve created for so long.
For just one sentence that he told her.
Everything changes!

He confesses his love to her.
A love that she thought a pure friendship and nothing else!
Changes into a love of a real man!
Though she something from her heart still she’s surprised!
And she couldn’t think so clearly!

She knew to herself that she loves him.
Too much love that she didn’t want him to live her alone.
Too much scared if he found someone he would love.
But knowing the truth that she is the one that he loves the most!
Makes her more scared than what she thought off!

She told the truth to him.
That he fully understand.
That he fully respect and accepted.
Though he told her that he was ready to wait!
Wait till she realizes what she truly feels towards him!

Why he said it?
Because he knew her so much!
That every inch that she do for him!
That every inch that she says to him!
He knew that there is something on her that she doesn’t know yet!

Or maybe she was just afraid to feel it.
Or maybe she was just afraid to know the truth.
Or maybe she was just afraid to lose him.
And she didn’t want to gamble their friendship.
But he already gambles it!

That he knew from the very beginning he might lose.
That he might not have her love.
Or worst!
Even their friendship might be lost.
Till forever!

Decided to think of it!
Weigh things!
The right and the wrong!
Still her mind couldn’t think!

Until time passes by!
Days and month passes!
And the fear that she felt when he tells the truth!
Turns into fear of losing him!
That turns out to open not only her mind but also her heart!

The truth reveals on her!
She knew!
She loves him not just a friend!
But she also loves him as a man!

She realizes what she truly feels for him!
Why did she fear losing him!
Why did she fear when he found someone to love!
It is because she already love him as much as a friend!

She loves him as a man!
She loves him as he is!
She loves everything to him!
And she couldn’t let him wait for any longer!
She has to tell it!

She went outside.
Going straight at the next house where he lives.
Ignores everything on her way!         
Till she reaches the one and only place that they’ve love to stay before.
And from there she just stood for a long time.

Sudden rush of fear!
And regrets!

All in one hit!
A very strong and tough hit!
That shocks her world!
That ruins everything on her dreams!
Till nothing was left but darkness!

Words that she wanted to speaks!
Feeling that she wanted to shows!
Truth that she wants to be heard!
A confession that not worth it!
A confession that couldn’t confess anymore!

A depths of despair raging through her senses!
A depth that lose everything onto her!
Until she realize one thing that she have left to say!
“I love you so much that it hurts!”
“Because… I’m sorry! I was too late to say those words!”

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