Saturday, May 26, 2018

Where is My Peace?

Thought are everywhere in my head
Pain, suffering, hate, anger but it also had...
Loneliness, tears, aching and tiredness that wants to give up already.

Then suddenly another thoughts comes in
Another emotions raining and I can feel it,
Excitement, happiness, romance and love comes crushing.

Thought it still accompanies with sadness and anger
That added with jealousy and madness...
But it is an emotion that couldn't figure out.

Nothing to be exact
That couldn't find peace of mind,
That made me feel hollow deep within even it is full of emotions.

Makes me feel empty and lost
Everything seems so out of my hands
Slip out everything from my mind but still emotions in burst.

Mind starts to live in chaos
A silent chaos that couldn't give a peace,
It explodes like bomb but into silent one.

The things that I wanted and I like
Slowly losing its path,
Never ever be found in the midst of chaotic emotions.

That shut down my peace
Creates nothing but a chaotic silent,
A place without a peace to find elsewhere!


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Poetry of Dreams

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